How Acupuncture Works
One of the most important concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine is that of Qi, the vital force or energy that flows through a system of channels in the body known as the Meridians. The goal of acupuncture is to establish healthy body function by restoring the natural circulation of energy, or Qi.
In simple terms, by inserting fine needles into specific energetic points on the Meridian paths (the body’s energy channels), the energy flow of Qi may be stimulated, removing the blockages that can lead to pain and other symptoms.
Call Pam to schedule an Acupuncture appointment at 206-218-3597
or email her
We use a combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary and lifestyle advice in a relaxing and private environment. Treatments are tailored to your individual needs and will not only only help you recover from injury or illness but will also strengthen your body and health to prevent relapse.
Our practitioners take great care in their treatments as your health is important to us. We communicate with your other health care providers to make sure we are working in the same direction. We also take great pride in our work as we see acupuncture as not just a health service but as an art form.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Lasting solutions to chronic conditions.
Solutions to non typical medical cases.
Fast and effective relief to pain.
Increase mobility by relaxing tight muscles and freeing up stiff joints.
Effective management of auto-immune disorders.
Strength to the immune system to increase resistance to colds and flus.
Anxiety and depression management to become more confident and happy.
Reduction of stress along with its harmful impact on your body so you can regain a clearer and sharper mind.
Proactive prevention of diseases so you can be healthy.
Help with sleeping more deeply, bouncing out of bed and feeling more energetic